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  • About

Our Story

The Story of Our Engineering Journey

Wouter Engelbrecht, managing director of NWE founded a consulting engineering company in 1989, trading as Wouter Engelbrecht (Pty), in Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa. He retired as chairperson of the company in 2001 to operate as a developer.

Building on his career as natural leader and bold entrepreneur, Wouter re-enter the consulting engineering industry in November 2003. NWE Consulting Engineers was established with offices in Cape Town operating as a multi-disciplinary Consulting Engineering Firm in the fields of civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering.

In the past 15 years of NWE’s existence, we have grown into the consulting engineering disciplines of roads & transportation, dam & hydropower, mine related infrastructure, project management and additional project support services that gives our clients the advantage of finding all the engineering services they need in one place.

Although a relatively young group of entities, the extensive experience of the senior engineers of NWE gained while working for some of the largest Consulting Engineering Companies in South Africa has assisted in establishing a reputation of excellence.  Our team of experts has played a major role in establishing NWE as a fast growing, dynamic and notable role player in the consulting engineering industry on the African continent.
Cape Town
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Our Vision

NWE strives to always deliver excellence. We believe in team work and integrity and the role it plays in providing the highest standard of engineering services. We aspire to always display humanity, empathy and honesty within our dynamic business environment.

The passion for breaking new ground, growing and discovering new horizons is part of our DNA. We aspire to continuously create new opportunities and embrace our role in adding value to every project.

Mission Statement

The mission of NWE Consulting Engineers is to provide professional and ethical, multi-disciplinary consulting engineering services of high standards and quality to meet our client’s expectations and approval.

We aim to achieve this by applying innovative, state-of-the-art practices through well qualified, dedicated and inspired team members, our most valued asset. In order to maintain this level of excellence, we encourage a culture of efficient management, and communication, professional work ethics and quality assurance.

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Company Profile

engineer site
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)
There is strong support for the concept of black economic empowerment in our company and a number of practical steps have already been and will still be introduced to redress the inequalities of the past.

Nkuthalo is a Nguni word meaning “diligence” and we feel that the new name and company profile aptly describes our commitment to meaningful change while adhering to sound business principles.
Consulting Engineering Bursary Scheme
Difficulties have been encountered in the past in attempting to recruit suitably trained black engineers and technicians who could in a relatively short period of time be promoted to senior positions.

The directors of NWE have therefore adopted a long-term policy by implementing a generous bursary scheme, which will cover tuition, books as well as boarding, and lodging for engineering students in the fields of civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering.

A mentoring system will also be implemented whereby each student is monitored and assisted on a regular basis by a senior member of staff.

Our intention is that on his or her successful completion of studies he/she will join the practice. No limit is placed on promotion and it is hoped that many will progress to director level.

Our Certifications

A Testament to Quality and Expertise

CESA certificate
ISOQAR certificate
Green Star SA certificate
South African Road Federation certificate